Live Your Island Dream: A Guide to Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment

Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have always longed to live at a beachfront villa or a quiet island, Vanuatu could be the perfect choice for you. Full of beaches and breathtaking landscapes, the country is a tropical archipelago located in the South Pacific.

Other than its untouched beauty, Vanuatu is also famous for its citizenship by investment program. It is the only program of its kind in the Pacific region. With stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and a vibrant culture, Vanuatu is a perfect destination to call your second home.

In this guide, we’ll explore the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program, its benefits, eligibility requirements, and the application process.

Benefits Associated with Vanuatu Citizenship

Travel Freedom with Visa-free Access

The best thing about citizenship by investment programs is the freedom of travel that allows you to travel visa-free and visa-on-arrival. With Vanuatu citizenship, you get access to travel to 95 countries visa-free. This includes Hong Kong and Singapore also. Furthermore, a Vanuatu second passport 2023 also helps you get the B-1/B-2 tourist visas for 5 years which allows you to spend up to 180 days in a year in the United States. This visa can be used for travelling for business meetings, leisure, medical treatment, or for enrolling for a diploma or degree.

Tax Optimisation

Another fact that makes Vanuatu citizenship by investment 2023 a great choice is tax incentives. As an investor, you can set up an international business company (IBC) in the country and such companies allow you to earn tax benefits. There is no personal income tax, capital gains, inheritance, donation, or tax on corporate profits.

The Perfect Plan B

With visa-free travel, tax efficiency, and a friendly environment, Vanuatu citizenship makes the perfect plan B in case of any contingency in your home country. You can live with your family and secure their future.

Pathway to Second Citizenship

Vanuatu citizenship by investment has no requirements for language, interviews or residency in the country. It is a straight and quick pathway to second citizenship that even allows you to keep the passport from your home country.


To be eligible for the Vanuatu second passport 2023, you need to fulfil the below requirements:

  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Possess a clean record
  • Be physically fit
  • Clear the due diligence check
  • Make the required contribution

The Vanuatu citizenship by investment program also allows you to include your spouse, children under the age of 18, dependent children under the age of 25, and parents over the of 50 in your application for Vanuatu second passport 2023. 

How to Get Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment 2023?

To get Vanuatu citizenship, you need to contribute $130,000+ to the National Development Fund while also providing legitimate proof of an existing bank account balance of at least $250,000.

Application Process

The application process involves the following steps:

a. Choose an Authorized Agent: You will have to select a trustworthy authorized agent or citizenship consultant to guide you through the application process.

b. Document Collection: Gather all the vital documents, including your passport copy, birth certificates, marriage certificates (if applicable), and other supporting materials.

c. Submit Application: Your authorized agent will assist you in applying to the Vanuatu Citizenship Office.

d. Due Diligence: The Vanuatu government will conduct due diligence checks on all applicants to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.

e. Approval and Payment: Once the application is approved, you will make the required investment, and upon receipt, you will be granted Vanuatu citizenship.

f. Oath of Allegiance: After payment, applicants are required to take an oath of allegiance, either in Vanuatu or at a Vanuatu consulate.

g. Passport Issuance: Once all formalities are completed, you will be issued a Vanuatu passport, and you and your family will officially become Vanuatu citizens.

Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program is a great pathway to acquiring a second citizenship in a stunning island nation. With its many benefits, including visa-free travel, tax advantages, and economic opportunities, Vanuatu provides a desirable destination for investors seeking a second passport.

To start your journey towards second citizenship in Vanuatu, reach out to one of our experts at +971 4 512 4444