Tag: Dominica CBI program

Dominica Or St Lucia - Unveiling The Best CBI Program For You

Dominica or St Lucia? Unveiling the Best CBI Program for You

Reading Time: 2 minutes Most high-net-worth individuals and investors are seeking second citizenship these days because of the opportunities and freedoms it brings. There are several credible Caribbean CBI programs available, out of which Dominica and St. Lucia are two of the most popular programs, both competing for your investment. So, how do you know which of these CBI […]

Second Passport - The Most Popular Countries the Rich Americans Are Seeking as 'Plan B'

Second Passport: The Most Popular Countries the Rich Americans Are Seeking as ‘Plan B’

Reading Time: 3 minutes The American Dream: for decades the idea of “The American Dream” has defined happiness and success. But in an ever-changing world, some high-net-worth individuals from the US are turning to second citizenship programs for that extra bit of security and diversification—a “Plan B.” So which countries do these affluent Americans turn to for a plan […]