Tag: caribbean passport

Dominica Or St Lucia - Unveiling The Best CBI Program For You

Dominica or St Lucia? Unveiling the Best CBI Program for You

Reading Time: 2 minutes Most high-net-worth individuals and investors are seeking second citizenship these days because of the opportunities and freedoms it brings. There are several credible Caribbean CBI programs available, out of which Dominica and St. Lucia are two of the most popular programs, both competing for your investment. So, how do you know which of these CBI […]

New Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Threshold - Nations Agree to $200,000 effective June 30th, 2024

New Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Threshold: Nations Agree to $200,000 effective June 30th, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes For those seeking a second citizenship, the Caribbean has long been one of the most sought-after spots on the planet, promising the most beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and a relaxing environment and most notably, the most affordable CBI program. Additionally, the CBI programs offered by Caribbean countries are very attractive because once you become a […]

Acquiring a Second Passport with Cryptocurrency is Now Easier Than Ever

Acquiring a Second Passport with Cryptocurrency is Now Easier Than Ever

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s becoming increasingly easy to acquire a second citizenship with cryptocurrency. This has opened doors to a whole new world of opportunities for globe trotters and crypto investors. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of Crypto-friendly citizenship by investment (CBI) programs. We’ll guide you through the process of navigating this new frontier. […]

Why Caribbean Citizenship is So Popular?

Why Caribbean Citizenship is So Popular?

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Caribbean Sea which splits the Atlantic Ocean in two encompasses several natural islands situated in close proximity. The region known as the Caribbean has over seven hundred different islands of a variety of sizes, but not every island is considered to be a country on its own.  However, among those islands, there are only […]