Five countries that give citizenship by investment within 6 months

Five countries that give citizenship by investment within 6 months
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs are becoming more and more popular with time. It seems a lot of people are interested in getting a second passport because of the benefits it entails. CBI programs streamline the process of citizenship acquisition. You choose a country whose citizenship you require. You invest in a government-designated program, for example, investment in real estate, government funds, etc., and after the government of that country completes a process of due diligence, you get a second citizenship. If you’re in a hurry and want to know CBI programs that would get you second citizenship faster, here are five countries that process CBI applications within six months.

  1. Vanuatu      

Vanuatu is nestled in the South Pacific Ocean. It stands out for its beauty, the benefits of citizenship, and its swift citizenship processing. Vanuatu has a program called the Vanuatu Development Support Program (VDSP). With this program, you contribute USD 130,000 to the development fund which is nonrefundable, and VDSP can facilitate citizenship acquisition in as little as 2 to 6 months’ time. They also have very efficient application procedures. Another perk of this Citizenship is that it offers visa-free access to over 93 countries, enhancing your global mobility.

  • Dominica

Dominica is a Caribbean paradise that offers citizenship by investment within a time frame of 3 to 6 months. As an investor, you have 2 main options to choose from: you make a contribution of USD 100,000 to the Economic Diversification Fund, or you invest at least USD 200,000 in a pre-approved real estate project. When you get Dominica’s citizenship, not only do you get to enjoy its breathtaking beauty, but you also get to travel visa-free to 143 countries around the world.

  • Grenada 

Grenada is another beautiful Caribbean Island nation that has a very attractive CBI program with a processing time of 3-6 months. Like Dominica, Grenada also offers two primary investment options for you to choose from: you make a contribution of USD 150,000 to the National Transformation Fund, or you invest at least USD 220,000 in a pre-approved real estate project. Grenada’s Passport will grant you visa-free travel to 140 countries worldwide.

  • St. Lucia

St. Lucia is yet another Caribbean Island Nation Known for its beauty and efficient CBI application processing. They process CBI applications typically within 3-6 months. Investors can choose to either make a contribution of USD 100,000 to the National Economic Fund or they can invest at least USD 300,000 in a government-approved project. St. Lucia passport unlocks visa-free travel to over 140 countries.

  • Antigua and Barbuda 

Antigua and Barbuda is a two-island Caribbean nation known for its captivating beauty. Antigua and Barbuda offers a CBI program with a processing time frame of 3-6 months. This flexible program offers you options starting from USD 100,000 that you can contribute to the National Development Fund, or you can make an investment minimum of USD 200,000 in a pre-approved real estate project. The amazing benefit of this program aside from its affordability and processing speed, is the fact that it offers Visa-Free Access to 150 countries. This makes it a powerful tool for business persons seeking global mobility.


In this article, we have provided only introductory information about the Speediest CBI programs. It is crucial that you take into consideration your own needs, resources, and preferences, and then research the programs thoroughly to make an informed decision. You might also want to seek proper professional guidance to navigate the CBI application process.