Caribbean Citizenship By Investment, St Lucia Set To Sign Moa

Caribbean Citizenship by Investment, St. Lucia Set To Sign - Memorandum Of Agreement
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Citizenship by investment programs in Eastern Caribbean countries has been an ideal method of obtaining second citizenship for wealthy individuals. St. Lucia is one such country that offers a CBI program. It is also one of the most progressive among Caribbean countries. It recently declared the desire to sign the MoA (Memorandum Of Agreement) with its Caribbean neighbours. This agreement represents a shift towards standardization and can also change the landscape of the Caribbean CBI programs.

Subtopics Covered

  • The OECS Moa And St. Lucia’s Participation
  • The Implication Of The Moa For Investors
  • Consideration For Investors
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

The OECS MoA And St. Lucia’s Participation

The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), whose member-states include – Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Kitts and Nevis, signed an MoA, in March 2024. Their intent was to raise the minimum investment amount of their CBI programs to  $200,000 and specify how the nations are bound to work together to come up with standards for their respective CBI programs. In particular, the MoA has provisions relating to improvement in the exchange of information, and co-ordination on due diligence measures with the possibility of the creation of a Regional Supervisor.

St. Lucia’s reluctance to join the MoA raised questions, but by June 2024, the country signed the MoA. This is a positive step taken by St. Lucia that shows the island’s willingness not only to work in collaboration with other Caribbean states but might also positively impact the general perception of Caribbean CBI programs.

Implications For Investors
The effect of the MoA on St. Lucia’s CBI program is yet to be fully seen. However, potential benefits for investors include:

  • Enhanced Program Integrity: The MoA might enhance the quality of the regional CBI program by promoting collaboration and better cross-border information sharing, which would result in better due diligence.
  • Standardization: This agreement will cause standardization of application processes across the OECS and simplify the path for people applying for citizenship in multiple Caribbean nations at the same time.
  • Potential for Regional Benefits: By promoting cooperation of the nations in OECS, new initiatives, and projects can be started that can increase the overall desirability of Caribbean citizenship, for instance, regional investment projects or combined visa-free access.

Considerations for Investors

While there are benefits of the MoA, there are still factors that the investors need to consider:

  • Transitional Period: There may be a short adjustment period as St Lucia applies the requirements of the MoA into practice. 
  • Uncertainties of Implementation: The details of how the MoA will be implemented in St Lucia are still unfolding. Investors need to stay alert and informed, about the shifts in programs.


Q: What are the investment options available in St. Lucia citizenship by investment program?

A: St. Lucia’s program provides investment options with National, Real Estate Investment, government bonds, government-approved enterprise projects, and infrastructure investment options.

Q: Will the application of the MoA result in extended processing time for St. Lucia’s CBI program?

A: There might initially be an adjustment period during the implementation of the MoA. It is advised that you consult a licensed agent for the latest information about this issue.

Thus, St Lucia’s entry into the OECS MoA is quite a turning point in the Caribbean CBI programs arena. As they move towards standardization, it may have the effect of strengthening the quality and hence the image of regional CBI programs. There might be a short period of adjustment, but the long-term effects of the MoA can generate a stronger and improved structure of the CBI in Caribbean nations.