Antigua and Barbuda Joins Dominica and Grenada with Visa-free Access to China

Antigua and Barbuda Joins Dominica and Grenada with Visa-free Access to China
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda has signed a visa waiver agreement with China, joining Dominica and Granada. This means Antigua and Barbuda is now aligned with its eastern Caribbean neighbours, as they can all travel visa-free to China. 

Topics discussed

  • Impact on Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program
  • Benefits of visa-free travel to China
  • Guide to obtaining Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship
  • Required Documentation
  • FAQs

Impact on Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program

This means Antigua and Barbuda is on an equal footing with its competitors in terms of visa-free travel benefits. As Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, and Grenada all three Caribbean nations now offer visa-free access to China. Each nation’s citizenship program has its unique selling points. For instance, Dominica has an edge because it has a lower minimum investment threshold. This cost-effectiveness can be the deciding factor for some investors.

Grenada has a faster application process as compared to the other two nations. Antigua and Barbuda’s unique selling proposition is that this program appeals to eco-friendly investors as it supports environment-friendly initiatives. It also supports luxury real estate options appealing to high-net-worth individuals 

Benefits of visa-free travel to China for Antigua and Barbuda passport holders

Enhanced Mobility: Visa-free travel brings enhanced mobility for Antigua and Barbuda citizens. This will expand travel opportunities, which in turn will increase tourism and business ventures between the two nations.

Cultural and Economic Aspects: As is well known, China is a big player in the global economy, and strengthening ties between the two nations will be economically beneficial for Antigua and Barbuda. Further enhancing the global appeal of the Antiguan passport.  

Enhancing the Strength of the Antigua and Barbuda Passport: The Antigua and Barbuda passport holder already enjoys visa-free travel to over 150 countries. This includes the Schengen Area, the UK, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Singapore. The addition of China to this list makes it one of the most powerful and sought-after passports.

Guide to obtaining Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Although Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program offers multiple investment options. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the key steps in the process.

  • Pick Your Investment Option: The program allows you to invest in either real estate projects or a National Development Fund contribution.
  • Apply for Citizenship: Gather the required supporting documents like proof of investment, background checks, and medical certificates and submit them with an application.
  • Government Processing: The government will conduct thorough due diligence and required checks on the applicants and applications.
  • Citizenship Granted: If your application is approved, you will receive a certificate of registration along with a passport.

Required Documentation

The specific documents that are required may vary depending on the investment option you choose. However, these are some common requirements:

  • Completed application form
  • Passport-sized photos
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Medical certificates
  • Proof of funds for investment

Note: Contact a reputable immigration advisor for in-depth guidance on Antigua and Barbuda’s CIP program and its eligibility requirements. This will help you navigate the process much better and ensure a smooth application experience.


Q: Can all Antigua and Barbuda passport holders travel visa-free to China?

A: Yes, all Antigua and Barbuda passport holders travel visa-free to China.

Q: How does Antigua and Barbuda’s CIP program compare to Dominica’s and Grenada’s CIPs?

A: Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship program focuses on sustainability and luxury real estate projects. That’s what makes it stand out amongst other programs. Dominica’s program has a lower minimum investment option, and Grenada processes applications much faster.