Acquiring a Second Passport with Cryptocurrency is Now Easier Than Ever

Acquiring a Second Passport with Cryptocurrency is Now Easier Than Ever
Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s becoming increasingly easy to acquire a second citizenship with cryptocurrency. This has opened doors to a whole new world of opportunities for globe trotters and crypto investors. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of Crypto-friendly citizenship by investment (CBI) programs. We’ll guide you through the process of navigating this new frontier.

Topics Covered

  • Why crypto investors get a Second Passport
  • Guide to Crypto CBI Programs
  • Required Documentation
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits of a Second Passport for Crypto Investors

Citizenship and Asset Diversification: Acquiring a second passport by investment, allows not only for the diversification of citizenship but also diversifies your assets. It allows for the ability to move their net worth away from one jurisdiction to another more favorable one.

Tax Optimization: Other states might have low or no taxes at all on capital gains, corporate profits, etc.This allows crypto investors to optimize their tax liabilities and keep more of their gains for themselves.

Asset Protection: This provides an extra layer of protection. Since you can move your wealth and digital assets to another location it safeguards you against any legal prosecution. It also protects you against adverse changes in your home country’s financial systems.

Freedom of Residency and Travel: Choosing the right country can allow for visa-free access to around 150 countries. This allows for great flexibility and opens the door to many opportunities.

Guide to Crypto-Friendly CBI programs

  1. Conduct Research and Select the Right Program: It’s important to note that not all CBI programs accept cryptocurrencies. Conduct thorough research to identify which countries have well-established crypto-friendly CBI programs. For example, Caribbean passports from Grenada, Dominica, St. Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda are popular choices.      
  2. Get a Licensed Agent: Availing the services of a licensed CBI agent is crucial to smoothly navigating the process of getting a second citizenship. These people know all the intricacies and handle all the required paperwork as well.
  3. Investment Requirement: There will be a minimum investment amount you’ll have to invest in the economy of the target country. After the investment is made you can move the process forward.
  4. Due Diligence and Application: All CBI programs employ a rigorous vetting process and conduct background checks. You’ll have to provide the necessary information and documentation.  
  5. Approval: After the documents and application have been submitted and the due diligence is complete, you’ll be notified of your citizen status and provided a passport denoting your citizenship.

Required Documentation

  • Valid passport of the current country of citizenship
  • Proof of funds for the minimum investment
  • Character reference letters
  • Medical/ Health  certificate
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)


Q: Do CBI programs accept all cryptocurrencies?

A: The landscape of crypto-friendly CBI programs is evolving. CBI program accepts established cryptocurrencies only, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few others. It’s best to consult a licensed CBI agent for the latest information regarding any particular CBI program.   

Q: What are some other ongoing costs associated with a second passport?

A: Other ongoing costs might include renewal fees for maintaining your second passport. Some CBI programs require you to live a certain amount of time in the country offering you a second citizenship. This will also add to the cost of the second passport.

Q: Are there any risks involved in the crypto-backed CBI program?

A: As with any investment cryptocurrency carries inherent risk, it’s best to consult a professional for the latest information on how to mitigate these risks.

Conclusion: Acquiring a second passport with cryptocurrency can be a rewarding experience if you conduct your due diligence and consult with the proper professional. It can unlock a whole new world of opportunities for you and your family.