New Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Threshold: Nations Agree to $200,000 effective June 30th, 2024

New Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Threshold - Nations Agree to $200,000 effective June 30th, 2024
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For those seeking a second citizenship, the Caribbean has long been one of the most sought-after spots on the planet, promising the most beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and a relaxing environment and most notably, the most affordable CBI program. Additionally, the CBI programs offered by Caribbean countries are very attractive because once you become a citizen by investment you get visa-free travel, tax advantages, and a growing economy in which to conduct business.

However, a new agreement between these nations has raised the minimum investment requirements for such programs.

Increased Minimum Investments Threshold

The minimum investment amount for most Caribbean CBI programs will be increased to USD 200,000 as of 30 June 2024. The collective decision to raise the minimum investment was taken by the group of Caribbean countries namely Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, and Grenada. The presidents of these countries signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) on March 20th, 2024. They cited that the reason for this increase in investment amount was:

  • They needed to make their CBI programs more sustainable.
  • They need to attract more high-net-worth individuals.
  • They want to enhance transparency measures, such as independent audits and financial disclosures.
  • To improve information sharing between the countries.
  • To create a regional authority and set common standards for the CBI programs.
  • Regulating agents and implementing joint training programs.
  • Implementation of joint training programs.

Impact on Potential Investors

The increased investment threshold is surely going to affect prospective CBI program applicants. For some, this raises a barrier that can deter them from acquiring the second passport of Caribbean countries. To others though, the benefits associated with an extra passport may still outweigh the increased cost.

Benefits of Caribbean Citizenship

Here are the key advantages associated with a Caribbean passport:

Visa-Free Travel: A passport from the Caribbean allows visa-free travel to a large number of countries, including nearly all members of the European Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, and most Asian countries.

Tax Benefits: Some Caribbean countries present very attractive tax benefits for their citizens, such as exemption from income tax on foreign earnings, and capital gains tax.

Global Mobility: A Caribbean passport allows for you to work, and study in all the constituent countries that comprise the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Asset Diversification: Caribbean citizenship provides an enhanced level of security and diversification of an investment portfolio.

Considering the New Threshold

Before you decide to get a Caribbean passport through a CBI program, consider these factors:

Individual Budget: Can you afford the minimum investment of $200,000 USD easily?

Program Options: Do some research into what each of the Caribbean CBI programs has to offer. Some may offer other investment options like real estate which have more lucrative financial gains on investment, along with granting you citizenship.

Long-Term Goals: It all comes down to aligning your decisions with your long-term business or family goals. Are you trying to give your family a stable, safe environment, or maybe you want visa-free travel or tax benefits? Or do you just want another residency option, a second home? Such factors will affect the decisions you make.


With increased minimum investment thresholds for Caribbean CBI programs, the landscape has changed for potential applicants. Whereas the new cost might be a prohibiting factor to some, many still find the undeniable benefits associated with a Caribbean passport very alluring. It is only by carefully weighing this new investment threshold against your individual needs and goals that you will be able to determine if getting a Caribbean passport by investment is the right path for you.